Moving to Bali

Very shortly I will move to Bali to continue working on my meditation channels:

Adobe Spark

In addition I hope to improve my lazy attitude towards meditation and find a little quiet for my own well-being.

I have plans to ensure my semi-retirement is not a boring one. I have decided to improve my discipline by enrolling in a Wing Chun school. Fortunately for me there is one only a few hundred metres away.

As well as walking 10 kms per day I will avail myself of the local swimming pool 3 times per week. Luckily this is only a short walk so I have no excuse.

I shall also enhance my daily reading with a little writing. You how you always promise yourself to start on the novel or your life’s story. Well I have started! Wish me well.

More later with a few photos.

Regards, Brian


Posted in metaphysics | 1 Comment

It is still a beautiful world!

This is a time for reflection. A time for looking inward at ourselves.
It is so easy to attach ourselves to the fear that is being generated at this time.
There are situations that are, ineed, being generated by manipulative people to convince us that we must be terrified; that we must be fearful; that we must follow certain people as only they know the way to safety and security.
We must not buy into this!
The world must consider that the correct action is to tune into LOVE; the energy that the cosmos is made up of.
We are told that great evil resides in certain areas of the world. But is that the truth? The great and powerful nations that have led us in the past, may not be the “good guys” that we have always been lead to believe they were.
This is a time of massive lies. Determining just who is lying and who is telling the truth is difficult because both sides may be lying.
It has been suggested a great ‘cabal’ may be manipulating the entire scenario.
Yet what can we, the people, do??
A friend of mine has advised not to attach to the fear that is generated by this cabal.
Go to your heart. Send love!
Send love to the soldiers that are involved in this scenario that they may awaken their consciousness and refuse to fight.
Send love to the leaders of nations that they may realise that killing innocent people to protect ‘democracy’ is just plain wrong. No matter how you justify it.
Send love to the controllers of this cabal that they may cease this game!
Send love to the leaders of supporting countries that they may realise their allies are not the saviours they thought they were.
Send love to the people of the Earth that they may rise up and peacefully demonstrate that they want their Earth back; to live in peace, harmony and a prosperity that does not need to be based on a consumer society that generates war o keep it going.
Send love to the governments of the world that they may see that they have to change their systems to be fairer and more truly democratic…heart based.
~ Bryn Madoc

Please note: The sounds here are produced uniquely by me using technology and royalty free music under licence from Transparent Corporation- License: NP32-7279-4809-75
The photos are used with permission from: Brian Hedley Marthick
Music: “Rain Relaxation (With Rain Sounds)” by Jordan Jessep under licence from Audiojungle: .

Posted in Brainwave Entrainment, Happiness, Healing, International Relations, Love, Love the World, metaphysics, Motivation, Positive Thought, Spoken Word | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

EXTRAORDINARY: Out of Body Experience | Very Deep Delta Meditation | Astral | Isochronic | Binaural

This video is proving to be quite popular. It is basically a deep meditation, however, there are a number of people who are definitely trying for the out of body experience. Perhaps it is a way of escaping reality. Or do they just want to get closer to “God”?

For you, a very deep delta meditation. For those wishing an OBE please research (below) first or don’t do it! Otherwise treat this as a wonderful meditative experience. Relax, still the mind and go into it with no expectations. Happy meditating!
This session ramps slowly down to the deepest Delta levels with music by Paul Headon. It starts at 12 Hz then drops down to 7 Hz at 4.5 min till 8 min then again drops to 5 Hz at 10 mins for another 3.00 mins. It again drops to 0.5 Hz at 15 mins till 71 min then rising to 12 Hz at 74 mins till the end. It actually reaches below 0.5 Hz (0.45 Hz) which is associated with extraordinary states of consciousness, high states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness, high-level inspiration states, spiritual insight and out-of-body experiences.
Further information:………
Some people using this session may fall asleep, since it resembles the sleep induction sessions. It differs from sleep induction in that there is an upward ramp at the end to help bring you out of the Delta state before the session is completed.
Note that this session uses binaural beats with deep relaxation music with the back ground sound of rain.

Use this session in a quiet, comfortable place, free of distraction, in a chair or lying down. After starting the session, close your eyes and relax.
While headphones are required for Binaural Beats they are not for Isochronic Tones.
During the session you should remain as calm and relaxed as possible.
This is not a replacement for medical treatment.
• If you suffer from epilepsy
• Or are taking medicine or drugs, then seek advice from your medical practitioner prior to using.
• If you are a pregnant woman
• Or you have a pacemaker
• Or are under 16 (brains still developing…may have a seizure)
• Or are prone to seizures…
…please do not play this soundtrack.
Please note: The tones and sounds here is produced uniquely by me using technology under licence from Transparent Corporation – License: NP32-7279-4809-75….
Music: “Astral Heartlands” by Paul Headon from Dreamscapist (with rain sounds added) with permission by Paul Headon :…
The photo is with permission and under licence from photodune:

Best wishes, Bryn

Posted in Brainwave Entrainment, Healing, Meditation, metaphysics, Motivation, Positive Thought, Relaxation, Spirituality, Universal Spirit | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Stand up and ask tough questions!


This is a response to the attack in Manchester this morning from a friend of mine, Phillip J. Watt. You can listen to Phillip on his YouTube channel, The Conscious Society. I happen to agree with his views and hope that more people will wake up to what is happening.

“How many attacks, how many deaths, how much suffering is going to occur before we collectively stand up and ask the tough questions? Examples include, but are not limited to:

– Why are we working against the Syrian/Russian alliance when they’ve explicitly illustrated they aim to end ISIS?

– Why aren’t we taking seriously the evidence which indicates that the allied forces are both funding and supporting ISIS and other extremist outfits in the Middle East?

– Why are we supporting the Saudi Arabian regime which have been proven to support terrorists?

– Why are we supporting Israel when they not only commit genocide against the Palestinians, but also destabilize the ME in accordance with their Greater Israel Project?

– When are we going to publicly investigate the role false flags have played in not just our long-term history, but currently too?

– When are we going to take seriously the agenda of a world government and how it plays into many of the tragedies that have occurred in our current era?

I’m so disappointed that humanity has come to this. I’m so sorry that so many lives have been lost and that so much suffering has occurred in not just alleged terrorist attacks, but in imperialist and elitist agendas. And I’m so disgusted that the monopolised media and the programmed public continue to not ask these questions and hold accountable the financial and political powers that will soon no longer be.

RIP to all those lives lost in this mess.”

Despite Phillip’s despondency at the end I believe more and more people are beginning to wake and challenge the status quo. We have been kept in the dark and fed bullshit most of our lives to such an extent that we think it is the truth and that we are the good guys. Look again.  Have a look at Phillips video (below). Fortunately things are changing and a massive change is underway.

Best wishes,


Reference: Phillip J. Watt:

Posted in Healing, History, International Relations, Love the World, metaphysics | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Beach Walk | Words of Contemplation | Motivation | Isochronic Tones


What do you think about as you walk down the beach? Are you concerned about anything? What should you do if you are?

This session uses lovely music by Jordan Jessep and Isochronic Tones that energizes the listener by ramping up from 15 Hz to higher beta frequencies like 18 Hz and 20 Hz, which have been shown to be very reinvigorating and helpful with excessive fatigue.

The words spoken by Bryn Madoc may offer an opportunity for you to think about your personal time of reflection.

Use this session in a quiet, comfortable place, free of distraction, in a chair or lying down.

This session can be used with or without headphones. If you are in a noisy environment, it is recommended to use headphones.

Because we use Isochronic Tones headphones are not necessary, especially if you are sensitive to them.

During the session you should remain as calm and relaxed as possible.

Once again, this is not a replacement for medical treatment.

  • If you suffer from epilepsy or are taking medicine or drugs,

…then seek advice from your medical practitioner prior to using.

  • If you are a pregnant woman or you have a pacemaker or are under 16 (as U16s still have developing brains) or are prone to seizures

…please do not play this soundtrack.


Please note: The sounds here are produced uniquely by me using technology and royalty free music under licence from Transparent Corporation- License: NP32-7279-4809-75

Music: “Healing Light” by Jordon Jessep under licence form audiojungle:

Words of Refection: Beach Walk

Spoken by Bryn Madoc

As I walk along the beach I often not think of anything. Indeed walking along the beach is quite a good meditation.

It is an opportunity to just be at peace. I don’t carry my phone or an iPod. I don’t listen to music. The sound of the sea is enough music for me.


Nature provides the right sound for me to hear. I often reflect on people who have earbuds in their ears and wonder why they don’t tune into the sounds of nature that are readily available.

Walking along the beach is very meditative. Meditation does not mean you must block out all thought. Just let whatever thoughts arise be. Don’t force them away. Allow them to be…there may be meaning there.


I walk along looking at impressions in the sand…the footsteps of some unknown person. The waves as they curl over and crash and eventually run up the beach. I feel the wind and the temperature of the day. I feel the sun on my skin; the rocks of the point under my feet.

Occasionally a seagull or pelican comes by. And on rare occasions I see a Blue Heron or a pair of tiny Hooded Plovers.


The sounds of the environment provide enough Brainwave Entrainment for me to be in pleasant Beta or sometimes Alpha state.

Often I contemplate the nature of my being. I think of the World and what the so-called leaders are doing with it…and us. I become concerned and feel I need to be a warrior to fight the injustices that are evident.


Yet a friend has warned…don’t attach yourself to the angst of the World.

After a few more steps down the beach I resolve to send LOVE. To do this I begin in a meditative state. I imagine white or golden light pouring into my head from the Universe. This accrues in the Heart area and begins to expand outward. I then envision this light as a pink explosion that expands 5.00

from my heart and moves out to cover the entire World. In addition, If I have a particular worry or concern I send the light to surround whatever is bothering me.

This, to me, is a very powerful technique. It is a weapon, if you like, that I can use to dispel the negativity that is in the world and also in me.

A part of the warrior within me says that it is necessary to be concerned with what goes on in my country or the World. Therefore, still surrounding myself with love, I feel a need to be involved in DOING something.


Certainly social media is a quick and easy way for us today to voice our opinions. At least, it is here that you can come across like-minded people. It is OK to join with these people to peacefully move for change. If there is a need to march; to protest; to write to your parliamentarians; to blog and or to speak to facilitate this change then I think we are obligated to take ACTION.

The key to doing anything is the amount of LOVE applied in the process. Anger must be tempered with calmness. Frustration must be tempered with patience and persistence. Intolerance must be tempered with tolerance.

Hate must be tempered with LOVE.







Posted in Brainwave Entrainment, Healing, Health & Fitness, Love, Love the World, metaphysics, Motivation, Positive Thought, Relaxation, Spoken Word | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Brain Waves and Binaural Beats: A Gateway to Higher Consciousness, Enhanced Learning and Brain Function

Thank you so much to Wake Up World for the following article. It explains some the benefits of brainwave entrainment. And helps to explain why I produce video with Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones. Best wishes, Bryn

Brain Waves and Binaural Beats - A Gateway to Higher Consciousness and Enhanced Brain Function 4

By Carolanne Wright

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

I have to admit, I’ve always had a fascination with shortcuts to higher levels of consciousness and have shamelessly embraced technology to this end. A veteran in all manner of brain wave entrainment soundtracks, I’ve found some work better than others for increasing creativity, focus and learning; supporting meditation and calming an overactive mind, as well as promoting sound sleep.

For those who are new to brain synchronization technology, binaural beats are sound patterns that, when listened to through headphones, encourage synchronization of the left and right brain hemispheres. Depending on the speed of the binaural beats — gamma, beta, alpha, theta or delta brain waves are enhanced, each with their own beneficial characteristics. Production of brain chemicals — like DHEA, GABA, endorphins, serotonin, melatonin and growth hormone — is also triggered, while the stress hormone cortisol is lowered.

Ultimate Brain Power

To understand how binaural and brain synchronization works, we first have to look at the different levels of brain wave patterns, which fall into five categories:

Gamma: The fastest brain wave frequency, gamma brain waves measure between 25 and 100 Hz (cycles per minute) — with 40 Hz the most typical for humans. Peak concentration, exceptionally high levels of cognitive functioning and being in “the zone” are the most prominent characteristics of gamma brain waves. People with high levels tend to exhibit extraordinary intelligence and compassion, strong memory and incredible self-control. Seasoned meditators, like monks and nuns, often have elevated gamma brain wave activity. Compassion and loving-kindness practices appear to yield the highest level of gamma waves.

Beta: A rapid pattern that falls between 15Hz and 40Hz, beta is associated with alertness, arousal, cognition and concentration. Beta waves represent our normal waking consiousness and logic. At higher levels, beta waves can trigger stress, anxiety and restlessness. Most adults operate at the beta level throughout the day.

Alpha: Slower waves ranging from 9 to 14 Hz, this pattern is one of deep relaxation and the twilight state between sleep and waking. Alpha waves also encourage increased serotonin production. Meditation and access to the unconscious mind fall within the alpha realm. The higher end of alpha results in a relaxed, yet focused state with increased intuition.

Theta: Ranging between 5 and 8 Hz, dreaming (REM sleep), increased creativity, super-learning and heightened memory are all characteristic of theta waves. They also encourage the production of catecholamines, which are crucial for memory and learning. Trance, deep meditation, access to the unconscious mind and a feeling of deep spiritual connection all belong to theta.

Delta: The slowest frequency, delta waves fall below 4 Hz and are a pattern of deep, dreamless sleep with loss of body awareness. However, some research indicates that we may remain alert in a very deep trance-like, non-physical state. Our brains trigger large quantities of the healing growth hormone during the delta cycle. Access to the unconscious and collective unconscious mind happens during the delta state.

Benefits of Brain Wave Entrainment

Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute found that using binaural beats to induce brain wave patterns resulted in “focusing of attention, suggestibility, problem solving, creativity, memory, and learning… sleep induction, pain control… and enhanced learning”. Other researchers have noted that slower brain wave patterns are accompanied by feelings of deep tranquility, flashes of creative insight, enhanced learning abilities and euphoria.

Dr. Lester Fehmi, director of the Princeton Biofeedback Research Institute, has this to say about brain hemispheric synchronization:

“[It represents] the maximum efficiency of information transport through the whole brain” and “[it] is correlated experientially with a union with experience, and ‘into-it-ness.’ Instead of feeling separate and narrow-focused, you tend to feel more into it—that is, unified with the experience, you are the experience—and the scope of your awareness is widened a great deal, so that you’re including many more experiences at the same time. There’s a whole-brain sensory integration going on, and it’s as if you become less self-conscious and you function more intuitively.”

Brain wave entrainment radically increases the capacity for learning as well. Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov was able to induce alpha waves in his students, which resulted in “super-learning.” He discovered that when in an alpha state, students “learned over five times as much information with less study time per day, with greater long-term retention.” Some learned up to thirty times as much information.

Alpha waves aren’t the only pattern beneficial for learning and retention. Sustained theta waves have been found to allow for “a broader and deeper processing of the information provided by the teacher… [and] increases… focus of attention and creates a mental set of open receptivity,” observes speech-language pathologist, Suzanne Evans Morris, Ph.D.

She also notes that the use of binaural beat signals in the classroom “improved focus of attention” and “a greater openness and enthusiasm for learning.” And adds, “One of the by-products of hemispheric synchronization appears to be a highly focused state of attending. The ability to reduce ‘mind chatter’ and focus the attention is critical for efficient learning.”

Just like we need exercise to keep our bodies healthy and strong, we also need to exercise our brain. Says pharmaceutics and biomedical engineering authority, Robert Cosgrove, Jr., Ph.D., M.D.:

“… with appropriately selected stimulation protocols [have] been observed by us to be an excellent neuro-pathway exerciser. As such we believe it has great potential for use in promoting optimal cerebral performance… Furthermore, the long-term effects of regular use… on maintaining and improving cerebral performance throughout life and possibly delaying for decades the deterioration of the brain traditionally associated with aging is very exciting.”

For those interested in experimenting with binaural beats, I’ve found OmHarmonics, Genius Brain Power and EquiSync to be quite effective.

This article comes from:

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Vivaldi for Study | Focus | Reading | Beta | Isochronic Tones | Binaural Beats


Classical music, such as Vivaldi, Mozart and Bach is excellent for helping your brain focus on what you are doing. I have used it for many years with great success.

This session modulates between mid-beta frequencies to help enhance concentration while reading, studying, or engaging in any mentally taxing activity.

This session is not as intense as other beta sessions, so that it can be used on loop for longer periods of time without resulting in mental fatigue.

Use this session in a quiet, comfortable place, free of distraction, in a chair or lying down. After starting the session, close your eyes and relax. Your eyes should be closed.


This session can be used with or without headphones. If you are in a noisy environment, it is recommended to use headphones.


During the session you should remain as calm and relaxed as possible.

Because we use Isochronic Tones headphones are not necessary, especially if you are sensitive to them. However as this session also uses binaural beats you may choose to use headphones.

Once again, this is not a replacement for medical treatment.

  • If you suffer from epilepsy or are taking medicine or drugs,

…then seek advice from your medical practitioner prior to using.

  • If you are a pregnant woman or you have a pacemaker or are under 16 (as U16s still have developing brains) or are prone to seizures

…please do not play this soundtrack.


Please note: The sounds here are produced uniquely by me using technology and royalty free music under licence from Transparent Corporation- License: NP32-7279-4809-75

Music: ” Le Quattro Stagioni Op.8 Concerto n.1 RV 269 ‘Spring’ in E” by Vivaldi  under licence from 1classical:

All the music to which we link is “public domain”: it is not protected by federal copyright law and is free to be used, copied and distributed by anyone without attribution, permission, and license or royalty payment.

The photos are used with permission from:


Posted in Brainwave Entrainment, classical music, metaphysics, Relaxation | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Spiritual Peace | Subliminal Healing Affirmations | Delta brainwaves | Deep Sleep | Isochronic Tones | Binaural Beats


You all need to feel a deep peace. You all need to feel love. You all need to share love and light to the world. This healing music with tones will take you to a place where you can be one with Source, where you can find inner peace.

The affirmations have been specially adjusted to remain below audibility. Relax and find your inner spiritual peace

This session guides your brain down to a Delta state (similar to deep sleep) where your body naturally starts repairing and healing itself. It starts at 15 Hz goes to 7.83 Hz at 5 mins to 11 mins then ramps down to 0.05 Hz (deep healing delta) at 15mins to the end enabling deep sleep and healing.

This session should be used in a quiet, comfortable place, free of distraction, in a chair or lying down. After starting the session, close your eyes and relax.

Headphones are not required for Isochronic Tones but are for Binaural Beats. This means is you are sensitive to headphones you may use external speakers.

During the session you should remain as calm and relaxed as possible.

Once again, this is not a replacement for medical treatment.

  • If you suffer from epilepsy or are taking medicine or drugs,

…then seek advice from your medical practitioner prior to using.

  • If you are a pregnant woman or you have a pacemaker or are under 16 or are prone to seizures

…please do not play this soundtrack.


Please note: The sounds here are produced uniquely by me using technology and royalty free music under licence from Transparent Corporation- License: NP32-7279-4809-75…

Music:  “Aurora Meditation” by Jordan Jessep under licence from Audiojungle:

The photo is used with permission from: Photodune:


I have inner peace

I am stress-free

I am comfortable with myself

I am a confident person

I set limits for myself

I keep my worries under control

I believe in myself

I can do anything I want to

I accept myself for who I am

I see the world for what it is

I stop worrying about everything

I live a healthy lifestyle

I stop thinking about past events

I forgive myself and others

I am becoming more at-ease with myself

I am more honest with myself

I do what I love to do

I take things on with a gentle approach

I stop feeling the need to control everything

I let life play out on its own.

I am naturally comfortable with myself

I simply love who I am

I know am a beautiful person

Others see me as a person who is relaxed and confident

I am naturally engaged in the moment

Relaxing comes naturally to me

I see the world in simple measures

I know I can be whoever I want to be

I love life and live it to the fullest

I am a naturally loving and peaceful person

I share love and light to the world

Posted in Brainwave Entrainment, Healing, Health & Fitness, Meditation, metaphysics, Relaxation | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Full Moon Meditation

Celebrate the New Moon with these wonderfully healing music and tones
This session guides your brain down to a Delta state (similar to deep sleep) where your body naturally starts repairing and healing itself. It starts at 15 Hz goes to 7.83 Hz at 16 mins to 20 mins then ramps down to 0.05 Hz (deep healing delta) at 32mins to the end enabling deep sleep and healing.
This session should be used in a quiet, comfortable place, free of distraction, in a chair or lying down. After starting the session, close your eyes and relax.
Headphones are not required for Isochronic Tones but are for Binaural Beats. This means is you are sensitive to headphones you may use external speakers.

This uses beautiful music by Jordan jessep and is definitely worth chilling to.

During the session you should remain as calm and relaxed as possible.
Once again, this is not a replacement for medical treatment.
• If you suffer from epilepsy or are taking medicine or drugs,
…then seek advice from your medical practitioner prior to using.
• If you are a pregnant woman or you have a pacemaker or are under 16 or are prone to seizures
…please do not play this soundtrack.
Please note: The sounds here are produced uniquely by me using technology and royalty free music under licence from Transparent Corporation- License: NP32-7279-4809-75
Music: “Ultimate Susurration” by Jordan Jessep under licence from Audiojungle:
The photo is used with permission from: Photodune:
The video is from Videoblock.

Posted in Brainwave Entrainment, Happiness, Healing, Love, metaphysics, Relaxation, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mozart for Study

Classical music, especially Mozart is excellent for helping your brain focus on what you are doing. I have used it for many years with great success.
This session modulates between mid-beta frequencies to help enhance concentration while reading, studying, or engaging in any mentally taxing activity.
This session is not as intense as other beta sessions, so that it can be used on loop for longer periods of time without resulting in mental fatigue.
This session is designed to be used with eyes open, while studying, reading non-fiction, or engaging in any activity that can benefit from increased concentration.
This session can be used with or without headphones. If you are in a noisy environment, it is recommended to use headphones. If you wish to have the benefit pf Binaural Beats use headphones.

During the session you should remain as calm and relaxed as possible.
Once again, this is not a replacement for medical treatment.
• If you suffer from epilepsy or are taking medicine or drugs,
…then seek advice from your medical practitioner prior to using.
• If you are a pregnant woman or you have a pacemaker or are under 16 or are prone to seizures
…please do not play this soundtrack.
Please note: The sounds and music here are produced uniquely by me using technology and royalty free music under licence from Transparent Corporation- License: NP32-7279-4809-75
Music ” Mozart: Divertimento for 2 horns and strings n.17 K.334 in D” x 2
Licensed under Creative Commons:
The photo is used under licence from Photodune:

Posted in Brainwave Entrainment, classical music, Meditation, metaphysics, Positive Thought | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments